"Remembering Ops Lalang: No More Fear, Abolish ISA!"

Public Forum
Date: 31 October 2007 (Wednesday)
Time: 7:30 pm – 10:45 pm
Venue: KL - Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
Special Guest: Malek Hussin, MAFREL Chairman & former ISA Detainee.
Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh, Chairman of Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI);
Norlaila Othman, wife of current ISA Detainee;
Lim Kit Siang, Parliamentary Opposition Leader;
Karpal Singh, MP for Bukit Gelugor and DAP National Chairman;
Tan Seng Giaw, MP for Kepong and DAP Deputy National Chairman;
Lim Guan Eng, DAP Secretary-General.
Organized by,
Democratic Action Party
Have No Fear , Be Brave !

50 年前,我国宣布独立时,自称是君主立宪国;50年后,我国副首相告诉我们说我国是回教国,首相则澄清是议会民主国 ……
50 年前,我国改编印尼情歌为Negaraku; 50年后,我国有位年轻人把Negaraku 改编为Negarakuku, 从源头来看,其实并不过分 ……但这可怜的年轻人却被国阵政府动用整个政府能动用的打压手段来打压他 ……
50 年前,华、巫、印三大民族是建国的主要三兄弟,50年后,巫统告诉其他民族不可挑战他们主要民族( Ketuanan Melayu)的地位 ……
50 年前,我国只有强盗会杀人;50年后,外劳会杀人、女佣会杀人、拿督会杀人、妈妈会杀人、小孩子会杀人、警察会杀人再炸尸体!!
50 年前,保护家园的责任理所当然是警察的责任;50年后,莫明奇妙的成为了 Homeguard的责任 ……
50 年前,查卡利亚是个在贫穷家庭生活的小孩子;50年后,因为政治背景的缘故,查卡利亚已是为了子孙满堂的理由而要建非法千万豪宅的 Datuk!他在面对
"市议会一门三杰"、"自己批地给自己"、"被控 39项罪状"等一连串的事件
后,依然无事,这要不说明查卡利亚本身是 无罪的,要不就是说明我们的国阵政府是无能的!

所谓政府,是我们每五年选出来为我们做事的;它凡做一件事,我要用监督的眼光衡量它的效率与成果,做的好,是应该的,做得不好,就得换人。如果以上述 50年的"业绩"来看,我左看右看上看下看都看不出国阵政府是及格的政府;更何况它把所有的政府建筑物弄得不漏水就不叫政府建筑物,这种丢人现眼的政府如果还不换的话,国家肯定没有前途!!!
我必须要承认,我们这一代是被国阵政府吓怕的一群,动不动就搬出" 513""内安法令"的武器来指着人民,人民明知是不及格的政府还依然选它,这就使国阵领袖可以大声说人民选我们做政府表示人民支持"内安法令"等这种颠倒是非的态度

……Enough is enough! 整个马来西亚已经因为国阵政府的腐败而付出了太多太多的机会成本与社会成本!要改变腐败的现象,不能单靠有良心的政治人物(因为他们通常是没有政府行政权的反对党人士),而且他们比起国阵的议员毕竟是太少了
懂得思考的人民有必要深思再思三思这句话的意义 ……
我们的"国情"虽然不适合我们仿效台湾的红杉军运动,我们依然可以推动"旅游军运动",因为国阵政府没有任何理由逮捕在本地旅游的人民,当我们能一直不断的去观赏十八条大鱼中其中一条最明显的大鱼时,如果有关当局还不会对这大鱼采取行动的话,这就证明有关当局是又聋又哑的!而我们又多了一个更有力的理由不选它了 ……老话一句,你手中的一票,是非常神圣的。当律师们都要走出街头示威
Malaysian Record !
The Worst UMNO building in Malaysia !
民主行动党雪兰莪州哥打亚南莎区(Kota Alam Shah)支部主席林立选今日带领媒体参观位于巴生港口、弃置多年的巫统大厦,并讥讽巫统雪州巴生区部主席查卡利亚( Zakaria Md Deros)自己住宿皇宫般的豪宅,而属于"公家"的党产却任由废置。
查卡利亚目前是巴生港口区州议员,惟其自2004 年担任的市议员职位,因去年爆出"违法豪宅"、"沙爹屋"事件,适逢任期届满而卸任。无论如何,查卡利亚并没有辞去州议员职位,更在最近开斋期间开放其皇宫似的"豪宅"。【点击:苏丹插手劝诫豪宅议员辞职 朝野政党齐轰雪州政府失责】

林立选告诉记者,自1990年代位于巫统大厦前面的高架天桥建竣后,此建筑就逐渐被弃置。他也补充,巫统已在巴生港口建好另一座大厦,取代这个曾经是地标的建筑物。目前,此建筑只在阳台供电讯公司装置电讯设备, 24小时有保安人员看守。
他援引巫统党章第20.8 (f)条文,指所有巫统党员必须维护该党的声誉与尊严,因此认为目前是巴生区部主席的查卡利亚废置党产、管理不当,让党所破烂不堪,理应受该党中央对付。
民主行动党雪兰莪州哥打亚南莎区(Kota Alam Shah)支部主席林立选今日带领媒体参观位于巴生港口、弃置多年的巫统大厦,并讥讽巫统雪州巴生区部主席查卡利亚( Zakaria Md Deros)自己住宿皇宫般的豪宅,而属于"公家"的党产却任由废置。
查卡利亚目前是巴生港口区州议员,惟其自2004 年担任的市议员职位,因去年爆出"违法豪宅"、"沙爹屋"事件,适逢任期届满而卸任。无论如何,查卡利亚并没有辞去州议员职位,更在最近开斋期间开放其皇宫似的"豪宅"。【点击:苏丹插手劝诫豪宅议员辞职 朝野政党齐轰雪州政府失责】

林立选告诉记者,自1990年代位于巫统大厦前面的高架天桥建竣后,此建筑就逐渐被弃置。他也补充,巫统已在巴生港口建好另一座大厦,取代这个曾经是地标的建筑物。目前,此建筑只在阳台供电讯公司装置电讯设备, 24小时有保安人员看守。
他援引巫统党章第20.8 (f)条文,指所有巫统党员必须维护该党的声誉与尊严,因此认为目前是巴生区部主席的查卡利亚废置党产、管理不当,让党所破烂不堪,理应受该党中央对付。
my first post
Welcome to DAP Klang ! Malaysians 聯 合 !
First some introduction to the people in DAP
Chairman and Central Executive Committee
Lim Kit Siang was the chairman of the DAP from 1999 to 2004. Until then, he had been Secretary-General of the party since 1969. In 2004, he stepped down in favour of Karpal Singh as the new Chairman. His son, Lim Guan Eng became Secretary-General. Lim decided to take an advisory role as Chairman of the DAP Policy and Strategic Planning Commission. Lim remained as Parliamentary Opposition Leader.
As of 2006, the DAP Deputy Chairman is Tan Seng Giaw, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Kepong. The four vice-chairmen are M. Kulasegaran, MP for Ipoh Barat, Zulkifli Mohammad Noor, Chow Kon Yeow and Richard Wong. [12]
The DAP also has a Central Executive Committee (CEC). In 2004, 402 (of 591 total national delegates) delegates were present to vote for members of the CEC. The top three were Tan Kok Wai (MP for Cheras) with 337 votes, Fong Po Kuan (MP for Batu Gajah) with 334 votes and Chow Kon Yeow with 333 votes. [13]
The symbol of the DAP is the Rocket which it has used since the 1969 general election.
The blue circle stands for the unity of the multi-racial people of Malaysia.
The white background stands for purity and incorruptibility.
The red rocket symbolizes the Party's aspiration for a modern, dynamic and progressive society.
The four rocket boosters represent the support and drive given to the Party objectives by the three major races and others
Prominent leaders
Members of Parliament
Chow Kon Yeow (Tanjong)
Lim Hock Seng (Bagan)
Chong Eng (Bukit Mertajam)
Karpal Singh (Bukit Gelugor)
Fong Po Kuan (Batu Gajah)
Lim Kit Siang (Ipoh Timor)
M Kula Segaran (Ipoh Barat)
Federal Territory
Tan Seng Giaw (Kepong)
Tan Kok Wai (Cheras)
Fong Kui Lun (Bukit Bintang)
Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh)
Chong Chieng Jen (Bandar Kuching)
Other prominent members include Secretary General Lim Guan Eng, and ex-party member Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye. Lim Guan Eng was unable to contest in the 2004 general election due to specific legal requirements not being met at nomination time.
First some introduction to the people in DAP
Chairman and Central Executive Committee
Lim Kit Siang was the chairman of the DAP from 1999 to 2004. Until then, he had been Secretary-General of the party since 1969. In 2004, he stepped down in favour of Karpal Singh as the new Chairman. His son, Lim Guan Eng became Secretary-General. Lim decided to take an advisory role as Chairman of the DAP Policy and Strategic Planning Commission. Lim remained as Parliamentary Opposition Leader.
As of 2006, the DAP Deputy Chairman is Tan Seng Giaw, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Kepong. The four vice-chairmen are M. Kulasegaran, MP for Ipoh Barat, Zulkifli Mohammad Noor, Chow Kon Yeow and Richard Wong. [12]
The DAP also has a Central Executive Committee (CEC). In 2004, 402 (of 591 total national delegates) delegates were present to vote for members of the CEC. The top three were Tan Kok Wai (MP for Cheras) with 337 votes, Fong Po Kuan (MP for Batu Gajah) with 334 votes and Chow Kon Yeow with 333 votes. [13]
The symbol of the DAP is the Rocket which it has used since the 1969 general election.
The blue circle stands for the unity of the multi-racial people of Malaysia.
The white background stands for purity and incorruptibility.
The red rocket symbolizes the Party's aspiration for a modern, dynamic and progressive society.
The four rocket boosters represent the support and drive given to the Party objectives by the three major races and others
Prominent leaders
Members of Parliament
Chow Kon Yeow (Tanjong)
Lim Hock Seng (Bagan)
Chong Eng (Bukit Mertajam)
Karpal Singh (Bukit Gelugor)
Fong Po Kuan (Batu Gajah)
Lim Kit Siang (Ipoh Timor)
M Kula Segaran (Ipoh Barat)
Federal Territory
Tan Seng Giaw (Kepong)
Tan Kok Wai (Cheras)
Fong Kui Lun (Bukit Bintang)
Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh)
Chong Chieng Jen (Bandar Kuching)
Other prominent members include Secretary General Lim Guan Eng, and ex-party member Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye. Lim Guan Eng was unable to contest in the 2004 general election due to specific legal requirements not being met at nomination time.
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