by Teresa Kok
(Parliament , Tuesday ):This is to announce that leaders and members
of DAP, led by Secretary-General Sdr. Lim Guan Eng, will take part in
the BERSIH People's Gathering this Saturday, 10th November at Dataran Merdeka.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader Sdr. Lim Kit Siang will also attend
the gathering.
As an endorsee of BERSIH, DAP supports the key immediate demands of BERSIH, viz:
* The use of indelible ink to prevent double-voting;
* The abolishment of postal votes;
* Clean-up of the electoral roll;
* Equal and fair access to national media.
DAP also supports BERSIH's demand for a longer campaign period
(minimum 21 days) to provide the citizenry sufficient time to choose
the government and representatives they prefer.
DAP urges the Police to herald a new era by adopting a paradigm shift
that will see the Police cooperating with participants of public
gatherings to safeguard their fundamental freedom of expression.
To put it crudely, if Burma, the most repressive regime in the world,
tolerated public gatherings for two consecutive weeks before the harsh
crackdown, it is hard to see why the Malaysian authorities cannot
stomach a four-hour peaceful gathering.
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