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Letter to DAP , do not forget the QUALITY of candidates !
稳操胜券而不是成为他人笑柄 ……
把握这此机会,可能又要等多五年,最怕是再也没机会了 …… 所以选对人才是这此大选决定我党能大赢或小胜的关键。更加重要的是,这此大选将决定历史对您的领导能力及智慧的定位!
我们相信我们的支部主席,林立选同志在前述的三个条件上都好过陈彼得。所以我们认为没有理由不让我们的林立选同志出来当哥打阿南沙选区候选人。我们哥打阿南沙支部在其他方面有没强过其他支部是各说各话的,但我们有一点是肯定赢过其他支部的就是我们有一群委身( COMMITTED )的年轻人作民主的后盾!所以如果尊敬的秘书长肯让我们的林立选同志当候选人的话,我们将会全心全力的确保林立选同志顺利当选!
我们相信任何一个政治领袖,如能确实做到"知人善用"及"唯才是用",吸引人才的效果,一定会倍增的,反之,人才就会被吓走! 所以我们要特别向我党秘书长推荐我们的哥打阿南沙支部主席:林立选。我们一致推荐他成为 哥打阿南沙选区候选人
稳操胜券而不是成为他人笑柄 ……
把握这此机会,可能又要等多五年,最怕是再也没机会了 …… 所以选对人才是这此大选决定我党能大赢或小胜的关键。更加重要的是,这此大选将决定历史对您的领导能力及智慧的定位!
我们相信我们的支部主席,林立选同志在前述的三个条件上都好过陈彼得。所以我们认为没有理由不让我们的林立选同志出来当哥打阿南沙选区候选人。我们哥打阿南沙支部在其他方面有没强过其他支部是各说各话的,但我们有一点是肯定赢过其他支部的就是我们有一群委身( COMMITTED )的年轻人作民主的后盾!所以如果尊敬的秘书长肯让我们的林立选同志当候选人的话,我们将会全心全力的确保林立选同志顺利当选!
我们相信任何一个政治领袖,如能确实做到"知人善用"及"唯才是用",吸引人才的效果,一定会倍增的,反之,人才就会被吓走! 所以我们要特别向我党秘书长推荐我们的哥打阿南沙支部主席:林立选。我们一致推荐他成为 哥打阿南沙选区候选人
UMNO Pahang Steals from the Poor and Destitute...
今天是十二月二十三日,星期天,我们在彭亨帮助一个非政府组织做一些水灾援助工作。我们从一些仓库里收集食物和被,然后把这些物品用货车载送到分派中心。在那里,这些救济品被包装起来,其他的志愿工作者和村民们就会来领取这些物品。主流报章如新海峡时报,星报和Utusan Malaysia都说救济工作顺利进行,这是不确实的。实际上,彭亨巫统在有系统地大肆中饱水灾援助的私囊。 在Temerloh, 三天前有装满两辆货车的米,不知所踪。这两辆货车都是从水灾行动中心运迷出发,所有的打点工作都是Temerloh分部的巫统的志愿人员全权负责。在Temerloh的米商告诉我们之后他们都被询问是否有意以市价的一半购入一整货车的米。在其他地方,救济品只给与巫统会员。其他的非巫统会员的马来人是得不到的。这不是捏造的事情,而是那里的居民告诉我们这些志愿工作人员。在另一个地区,他们答应提供50公斤装的米于约250个原住民。实际上却是五公斤或十公斤装。虽然让巫统的行动中心送过去了,最终还是没有送到那些原住民手中。 第二天,当地的巫统州议员访问这些原住民的时候,问他们"吃了吗?"他们全部都向他喝倒彩说"你们全都是骗子。"在水灾的首七天,Temerloh的国会议员, Mohd Sarit bin Haji Yusoh都不曾出现过。那些灾民挂起一个布条写着"YB你在哪里?"但是之后北警察拆了下来。这自然是没有被报道出来的。文德甲的马华州议员是其中一些频频巡视灾区的人民代表。反而巫统的州议员不是勉为其难地露一露脸,就是在行动中心大动手脚。 由于这些巫统志愿工作人员的恶行,灾民们都非常生气。主流报章都没有报道,胡亚桥在访问灾区时,灾民都对他咆哮并丢掷石块,令他狼狈而逃。这是彭亨巫统如何盗取救济品。他们首先分派来自各支部巫统的志愿工作人员占据行动中心。然后掌握各地救济品的收受和搬运的货车。最重要的,他们得到购买救 济品的权力。买十块的物品,却要求几倍价钱的收据。之后却持劫买来的救济品,倒卖去另一个地方,却不曾把救济品送到灾民手中。打从水灾一开始,这种中饱私囊的手段在Temerloh, Pekan和其他彭亨的地区是屡见不鲜。
The full Lingam Tape
1448344299428080800http://www.suarakeadilan.com/isi/ Transkip Penuh:
(Parts are slightly inaudible. This transcript may not be entirely accurate.)
Lingam: The CJ (Chief Justice - judiciary's No 1 post) said his relative is now the Agong, so he wants to stay on to 68, so, Tengku Adnan said - I told Tengku Adnan, yesterday I had a meeting with him - he said PM is already very angry with him … and … he said no problem, he is going to make you acting err… confirm your position as PCA (President of Court of Appeal – judiciary's No 2), working very hard, and then get Tan Sri Mokhtar as CJM (Chief Judge of Malaya – judiciary's No 3).
Ah, so we just keep it confidential. I am working very hard on it. Then there is a letter, according to Tengku - I am going to see him tomorrow - there is a letter sent to … ah … CJ - I mean Tan Sri Dzaiddin - that Datuk Heliliah, …er Datuk Ramli and Datuk Maarop be made judges, and he rejected that Dr Andrew Chew and apa itu Zainudin Ismail lah because Zainuddin Ismail who condemned your appointment and Tan Sri Mohtar's appointment.
And then you also, it seems, wrote a letter for the remaining … confirmed as judges. As per our memo, I discussed with Tun Eusoff Chin and we sent the same memo to PM. I just want to get a copy letter that this has been done.
And then Tan Sri Dzaiddin said he is going to recommend six people for the Court of Appeal, but until today the letter hasn't come to PM. He never discussed, but neither he has sent the letter to PM. He has not sent. So, I know it is under the constitution, for judges all, that is your job, Datuk, to send, but we don't want to make it an issue now.
\n\u003cdiv\>Ah, okay. Actually I told Tengku Adnan to inform PM, PM to call you for a meeting. But I will organise this so that Tengku Adnan will call you directly. And then I got your number, I will tell him to call you directly to for you to meet PM lah. Ah… So should be okay, then ar… correct, correct, it is very important that the key players must be there.\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Correct, correct, correct. Correct, correct. You know that the same problem that Tun Eusoff Chin had. He tried to do all this and yet he has run out of soldiers. He couldn't do it because many were from the other camp. Last time was unfortunate because Tun Daim was doing everything sabotaging, you know lah…\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Otherwise how are things with you - everything is okay? No, don't worry. You know sometimes Tan Sri Vincent said that half the time we are talking about judiciary rather than doing the work. But if I don't do this part, my work will be useless. Ha! Ha! Ha!\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Ah, yes. Correct, correct, correct, correct, correct. Right, right, right. Correct. Ah. Ah. Right! Susah. You see he has now asked for six Court of Appeal judges, so that he can put his men before he retires.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Correct, correct, correct, ah, and then, ah, ah, correct, correct, correct, correct, correct.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Ah, never mind, I will do this, I will get er… Tengku Adnan to arrange for PM to call you and Tan Sri Vincent Tan for PM to call. You know why, actually, I am very grateful to Tan Sri Vincent Tan, You know why? I brainwashed him so much I even quarreled with him.\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>One day I went to Vincent Tan's house, I fired him at night in his house. I said bloody hell, if you don't do this who will do it? All these people, Tun Eusoff Chin, Datuk Ahmad Fairuz, Tan Sri Zainal all fought for …that. Then he called Tengku Adnan. Tengku Adnan he said, saya bukan Perdana Menteri Malaysia lah, you know. If the old man doesn't want to listen to me, go to hell.\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>He quarreled with me. I said never mind, never mind, Tan Sri, you talk to PM again tomorrow morning to put Datuk Ahmad Fairuz to CJM. So next day morning he went and he called me back ",1]
\n\u003cdiv\>Being the old man, he is 76 years old, he gets whispers everywhere, and then you don't whisper, he get taken away by the other side. But, now the PM is very alert because every time he gets letters from Tan Sri Dzaiddin, he calls Tengku Adnan, he says discuss with Vincent, come and discuss. And…\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Yes, yes, ya. Correct, correct. Ya, but you see although I know PM, but my views … I am a lawyer in practice… my views are… I go through them, I go through them lah.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>And then Dzaiddin will go and tell them you went and saw PM and make a big issue out of it. Oh ya, I think so, I think so.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Okay, fine, fine, fine, fine. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Right, okay, okay. Ah. Ah. Correct, correct.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Now I heard Raja Aziz, Raja Aziz ah, two weeks ago spoke to my lawyer Thayalan, and another lawyer Anad, in the High Court - they have a case with each other. So, Thayalan and Anad asked Raja Aziz, how is Tan Sri Wan Adnan?\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>He said he is on his way down. But you know what is the shocking thing he said? Datuk Fairuz became CJM. He overruled everybody, in three months time, he is going to be PCA, and six months time, he is going to be CJ. He said I can't take this shock. He told lah. Ha!\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>It seems ah that they are going to organise a campaign … they are going to organise a campaign to run you down. But you just keep quiet - don't say anything. Don't … even the press ask, you said I leave it to God, that's all. Don't say. I really like your message. You said I work very hard, what can I do? I leave it to God. That's the best answer, Datuk, that you can ever give. Ah.\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Yes… I will also get Tan Sri to remind PM to put a Tan Sri ship this year lah. You know, this will elevate you, you know.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Ah. Steve Shim got so fast, Tan Sri Chong waited for a whole year to get Tan Sriship.",1]
9.30 that he said PM has already agreed. So I said never mind, we hope for the best. So I said no harm trying, the worst that it can happen is you lose.
Being the old man, he is 76 years old, he gets whispers everywhere, and then you don't whisper, he get taken away by the other side. But, now the PM is very alert because every time he gets letters from Tan Sri Dzaiddin, he calls Tengku Adnan, he says discuss with Vincent, come and discuss. And…
Yes, yes, ya. Correct, correct. Ya, but you see although I know PM, but my views … I am a lawyer in practice… my views are… I go through them, I go through them lah.
Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.
And then Dzaiddin will go and tell them you went and saw PM and make a big issue out of it. Oh ya, I think so, I think so.
Okay, fine, fine, fine, fine. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Right, okay, okay. Ah. Ah. Correct, correct.
Now I heard Raja Aziz, Raja Aziz ah, two weeks ago spoke to my lawyer Thayalan, and another lawyer Anad, in the High Court - they have a case with each other. So, Thayalan and Anad asked Raja Aziz, how is Tan Sri Wan Adnan?
He said he is on his way down. But you know what is the shocking thing he said? Datuk Fairuz became CJM. He overruled everybody, in three months time, he is going to be PCA, and six months time, he is going to be CJ. He said I can't take this shock. He told lah. Ha!
It seems ah that they are going to organise a campaign … they are going to organise a campaign to run you down. But you just keep quiet - don't say anything. Don't … even the press ask, you said I leave it to God, that's all. Don't say. I really like your message. You said I work very hard, what can I do? I leave it to God. That's the best answer, Datuk, that you can ever give. Ah.
Yes… I will also get Tan Sri to remind PM to put a Tan Sri ship this year lah. You know, this will elevate you, you know.
Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Ah. Steve Shim got so fast, Tan Sri Chong waited for a whole year to get Tan Sriship.
\n\u003cdiv\>Ah. My God, that's why, ah. Correct, correct, correct, correct, ya, ya, ya, ya, right, right, right, correct, correct.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Don't worry, we organise this. And if Tan Sri Vincent and Tengku Adnan want to meet you privately, they will, I will call you. We organise a private arrangement, in a very neutral place.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>No, don't worry, Datuk, I know how much you suffered for Tun Eusoff Chin. And Tun said Datuk Ahmad Fairuz 110 percent loyalty. We want to make sure our friends are there for the sake of PM and for the sake of the country. Not for our own interest, not for our own interest. We want to make sure the country comes out well.\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Well, you suffered so much, so much you have done - for the election petition, Wee Choo Keong, everything. How much, nobody would have done all these.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Yes, you know. Ah. Good lah. You don't worry. I am constantly working on this. I…\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Ya, ya, don't worry, don't worry. We work hard on this er Datuk. And if Tan Sri Vincent and Tengku want to see you, I will organise it in a confidential place.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Okay, Datuk, all the very best. God bless you and your family.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Okay. Thank you, thank you. Bye-bye, bye-bye.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>[Off Camera Voice]: Who is that Dato?\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Lingam: Chief Justice Malaya.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>[Off Camera Voice]: Who is that?\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Lingam: Dato Ahmad Fairuz\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>[Off camera voice]: Oh Ahmad Fairuz.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Lingam: I put him up there. Don't tell this, please. I cannot tell this to Manjit. And he is acting President Court of Appeals Number 2 post. He is next Chief Justice. He always says "I leave it to you."\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>[Off Camera Voice]: I thought you were very close to Tun Eusoff Chin, Datuk?\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Lingam: He is Eusoff Chin's man, Eusoff Chin retired. But Dzaiddin hates Eusoff Chin, you understand? Ah..\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>[Off Camera Voice]: Because you know I…I…I..as far as I know you are very…\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Lingam: Eusoff Chin and I are extremely close. Because you know…Yeah. Eusoff Chin in power, I can straight and get in Pom! Pom! Pom! Pom! But now Dzaiddin is there. So Dzaiddin is attacking our cases. That means what? James Kumar is aligned to Dzaiddin. But Dzaiddin is retiring in 15th of September. He is finished.\n",1]
[Off Camera Voice]: Who is that Dato?
Lingam: Chief Justice Malaya.
[Off Camera Voice]: Who is that?
Lingam: Dato Ahmad Fairuz
[Off camera voice]: Oh Ahmad Fairuz.
Lingam: I put him up there. Don't tell this, please. I cannot tell this to Manjit. And he is acting President Court of Appeals Number 2 post. He is next Chief Justice. He always says "I leave it to you."
[Off Camera Voice]: I thought you were very close to Tun Eusoff Chin, Datuk?
Lingam: He is Eusoff Chin's man, Eusoff Chin retired. But Dzaiddin hates Eusoff Chin, you understand? Ah..
[Off Camera Voice]: Because you know I…I…I..as far as I know you are very…
Lingam: Eusoff Chin and I are extremely close. Because you know…Yeah. Eusoff Chin in power, I can straight and get in Pom! Pom! Pom! Pom! But now Dzaiddin is there. So Dzaiddin is attacking our cases. That means what? James Kumar is aligned to Dzaiddin. But Dzaiddin is retiring in 15th of September. He is finished.
\n\u003cdiv\>[Off camera voice]: [Off camera voice]: Next year?
Lingam: So Dzaiddin really wants to go…Don't worry. Dzaiddin recommended Malik Ahmad to be Chief Judge of Malaya. But we went and "cut" "cut" cut" cut" I and Tengku Adnan and Vincent told PM. I stop him for now, because he is anti-PM. We put Fairuz in. And we put…I told you three months ago he became CJM [Chief Justice Malaya]. He said "Don't believe." Then he got it. He rang up to thank me. And all that. He now acting PCA because Wan Adnan is sick. Right? This. Apart from law knowledge you need kow tow. Please understand that. You need to know the emperor. Knowing the law doesn't give you
the winning formula, you must also kow tow to the emperor. Correct or not? So now I am working very hard. So he agreed to meet Vincent Tan and PM and…what you call Tengku Adnan.
[Off camera voice]: Do you think Vincent has an interest over PM?
Lingam: You don't know about the history. Businesswise may not be successful. Robert Kuok is very brilliant. Lim Goh Tong is very rich. Vincent Tan, you know what PM say? He went to Averton he went to Langkawi. He said bincang. I want you to build a hotel here. His wife pulled him away. [Inaudible] He said Dato Seri I will think about it. The wife pulled him away. There is another [inaudible] cannot get a bank loan. Vincent there. Vincent, can you build a hotel? Ready for next Air show?
I want you do it in 6 months. `Datuk Seri, Don't worry, I will get it done.' He paid double the price to get all of them. A big loss lah. Then Solomon Island and Fiji and all, he said, Vincent go and invest there, he went and bought…[inaudible] the government factory [inaudible] you do this project a bit and cover up your loss. PM will do what he want to do to cover your backside.
[Off camera voice]: Vincent is very close to him.
Lingam: That's right. Don't ask… because Vincent has taken me to PM's residence… the house … [inaudible]… Anwar's case… the lawyers…Wee Cheong … [inaudible]. But I cannot go and talk to PM just like that and say promote this and that…
Because ah, he knows… I am a… but when PM calls me on Anwar's case, I can tell him… he'll listen…But if I go promote so and so, that means I got interest. So, I don't do that. I use Vincent and Tengku, go and do that. I don't f*** them up. They go
and do that. But I tell you this lah. Don't tell in front of people, of course. Life, one thing go confidential wrong is dangerous. Ah. Never, never say…You should… never. Even though to PM. You should never say. I don't know. I always say "I don't know." That's all.
[Off camera voice]: Everybody… I think many people know. Even the son case, everything I talk the father, …. Talk until he agreed.
Lingam: You know me [inaudible]. But I never talk about it. Even the son's case, I do everything. I talk to the father…Talk until he agreed. But if it is a big crisis that affects him, ….I can talk, he will listen. But if I want to favour somebody, that I cannot guarantee. Because my interest is not his interest. You know what I mean. Tomorrow invest your interest involving your father, I can come say this this this, you will listen. But tomorrow I appeal for me, you are not obliged to listen. Because you are a politician, PM. Politician is what is your interest, not what is my interest. But if I am giving advise on your interest, you will listen. On my interest, you will not. You must be careful about this.
[Off camera voice]: Datuk, I need to ask you this question.
Lingam: Ask me. Ask me.
[Off camera voice]: For a while now…
Lingam: Because we can talk behind these people.
[Off camera voice]… Actually, I think, you know, Daim has more equity interest in Berjaya than Vincent Tan, isn't that true?
Lingam: Let me tell you something … [inaudible] was bought by Daim … [inaudible]. Later on he did some deals where Daim supposed to help him. One or two he helped. Supposed to give him some money. Didn't give. Part was paid, part not paid. Later on Daim called up and he got paid.
1448344299428080800http://www.suarakeadilan.com/isi/ Transkip Penuh:
(Parts are slightly inaudible. This transcript may not be entirely accurate.)
Lingam: The CJ (Chief Justice - judiciary's No 1 post) said his relative is now the Agong, so he wants to stay on to 68, so, Tengku Adnan said - I told Tengku Adnan, yesterday I had a meeting with him - he said PM is already very angry with him … and … he said no problem, he is going to make you acting err… confirm your position as PCA (President of Court of Appeal – judiciary's No 2), working very hard, and then get Tan Sri Mokhtar as CJM (Chief Judge of Malaya – judiciary's No 3).
Ah, so we just keep it confidential. I am working very hard on it. Then there is a letter, according to Tengku - I am going to see him tomorrow - there is a letter sent to … ah … CJ - I mean Tan Sri Dzaiddin - that Datuk Heliliah, …er Datuk Ramli and Datuk Maarop be made judges, and he rejected that Dr Andrew Chew and apa itu Zainudin Ismail lah because Zainuddin Ismail who condemned your appointment and Tan Sri Mohtar's appointment.
And then you also, it seems, wrote a letter for the remaining … confirmed as judges. As per our memo, I discussed with Tun Eusoff Chin and we sent the same memo to PM. I just want to get a copy letter that this has been done.
And then Tan Sri Dzaiddin said he is going to recommend six people for the Court of Appeal, but until today the letter hasn't come to PM. He never discussed, but neither he has sent the letter to PM. He has not sent. So, I know it is under the constitution, for judges all, that is your job, Datuk, to send, but we don't want to make it an issue now.
\n\u003cdiv\>Ah, okay. Actually I told Tengku Adnan to inform PM, PM to call you for a meeting. But I will organise this so that Tengku Adnan will call you directly. And then I got your number, I will tell him to call you directly to for you to meet PM lah. Ah… So should be okay, then ar… correct, correct, it is very important that the key players must be there.\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Correct, correct, correct. Correct, correct. You know that the same problem that Tun Eusoff Chin had. He tried to do all this and yet he has run out of soldiers. He couldn't do it because many were from the other camp. Last time was unfortunate because Tun Daim was doing everything sabotaging, you know lah…\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Otherwise how are things with you - everything is okay? No, don't worry. You know sometimes Tan Sri Vincent said that half the time we are talking about judiciary rather than doing the work. But if I don't do this part, my work will be useless. Ha! Ha! Ha!\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Ah, yes. Correct, correct, correct, correct, correct. Right, right, right. Correct. Ah. Ah. Right! Susah. You see he has now asked for six Court of Appeal judges, so that he can put his men before he retires.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Correct, correct, correct, ah, and then, ah, ah, correct, correct, correct, correct, correct.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Ah, never mind, I will do this, I will get er… Tengku Adnan to arrange for PM to call you and Tan Sri Vincent Tan for PM to call. You know why, actually, I am very grateful to Tan Sri Vincent Tan, You know why? I brainwashed him so much I even quarreled with him.\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>One day I went to Vincent Tan's house, I fired him at night in his house. I said bloody hell, if you don't do this who will do it? All these people, Tun Eusoff Chin, Datuk Ahmad Fairuz, Tan Sri Zainal all fought for …that. Then he called Tengku Adnan. Tengku Adnan he said, saya bukan Perdana Menteri Malaysia lah, you know. If the old man doesn't want to listen to me, go to hell.\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>He quarreled with me. I said never mind, never mind, Tan Sri, you talk to PM again tomorrow morning to put Datuk Ahmad Fairuz to CJM. So next day morning he went and he called me back ",1]
\n\u003cdiv\>Being the old man, he is 76 years old, he gets whispers everywhere, and then you don't whisper, he get taken away by the other side. But, now the PM is very alert because every time he gets letters from Tan Sri Dzaiddin, he calls Tengku Adnan, he says discuss with Vincent, come and discuss. And…\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Yes, yes, ya. Correct, correct. Ya, but you see although I know PM, but my views … I am a lawyer in practice… my views are… I go through them, I go through them lah.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>And then Dzaiddin will go and tell them you went and saw PM and make a big issue out of it. Oh ya, I think so, I think so.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Okay, fine, fine, fine, fine. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Right, okay, okay. Ah. Ah. Correct, correct.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Now I heard Raja Aziz, Raja Aziz ah, two weeks ago spoke to my lawyer Thayalan, and another lawyer Anad, in the High Court - they have a case with each other. So, Thayalan and Anad asked Raja Aziz, how is Tan Sri Wan Adnan?\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>He said he is on his way down. But you know what is the shocking thing he said? Datuk Fairuz became CJM. He overruled everybody, in three months time, he is going to be PCA, and six months time, he is going to be CJ. He said I can't take this shock. He told lah. Ha!\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>It seems ah that they are going to organise a campaign … they are going to organise a campaign to run you down. But you just keep quiet - don't say anything. Don't … even the press ask, you said I leave it to God, that's all. Don't say. I really like your message. You said I work very hard, what can I do? I leave it to God. That's the best answer, Datuk, that you can ever give. Ah.\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Yes… I will also get Tan Sri to remind PM to put a Tan Sri ship this year lah. You know, this will elevate you, you know.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Ah. Steve Shim got so fast, Tan Sri Chong waited for a whole year to get Tan Sriship.",1]
9.30 that he said PM has already agreed. So I said never mind, we hope for the best. So I said no harm trying, the worst that it can happen is you lose.
Being the old man, he is 76 years old, he gets whispers everywhere, and then you don't whisper, he get taken away by the other side. But, now the PM is very alert because every time he gets letters from Tan Sri Dzaiddin, he calls Tengku Adnan, he says discuss with Vincent, come and discuss. And…
Yes, yes, ya. Correct, correct. Ya, but you see although I know PM, but my views … I am a lawyer in practice… my views are… I go through them, I go through them lah.
Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.
And then Dzaiddin will go and tell them you went and saw PM and make a big issue out of it. Oh ya, I think so, I think so.
Okay, fine, fine, fine, fine. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Right, okay, okay. Ah. Ah. Correct, correct.
Now I heard Raja Aziz, Raja Aziz ah, two weeks ago spoke to my lawyer Thayalan, and another lawyer Anad, in the High Court - they have a case with each other. So, Thayalan and Anad asked Raja Aziz, how is Tan Sri Wan Adnan?
He said he is on his way down. But you know what is the shocking thing he said? Datuk Fairuz became CJM. He overruled everybody, in three months time, he is going to be PCA, and six months time, he is going to be CJ. He said I can't take this shock. He told lah. Ha!
It seems ah that they are going to organise a campaign … they are going to organise a campaign to run you down. But you just keep quiet - don't say anything. Don't … even the press ask, you said I leave it to God, that's all. Don't say. I really like your message. You said I work very hard, what can I do? I leave it to God. That's the best answer, Datuk, that you can ever give. Ah.
Yes… I will also get Tan Sri to remind PM to put a Tan Sri ship this year lah. You know, this will elevate you, you know.
Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Ah. Steve Shim got so fast, Tan Sri Chong waited for a whole year to get Tan Sriship.
\n\u003cdiv\>Ah. My God, that's why, ah. Correct, correct, correct, correct, ya, ya, ya, ya, right, right, right, correct, correct.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Don't worry, we organise this. And if Tan Sri Vincent and Tengku Adnan want to meet you privately, they will, I will call you. We organise a private arrangement, in a very neutral place.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>No, don't worry, Datuk, I know how much you suffered for Tun Eusoff Chin. And Tun said Datuk Ahmad Fairuz 110 percent loyalty. We want to make sure our friends are there for the sake of PM and for the sake of the country. Not for our own interest, not for our own interest. We want to make sure the country comes out well.\n\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Well, you suffered so much, so much you have done - for the election petition, Wee Choo Keong, everything. How much, nobody would have done all these.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Yes, you know. Ah. Good lah. You don't worry. I am constantly working on this. I…\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Ya, ya, don't worry, don't worry. We work hard on this er Datuk. And if Tan Sri Vincent and Tengku want to see you, I will organise it in a confidential place.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Okay, Datuk, all the very best. God bless you and your family.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Okay. Thank you, thank you. Bye-bye, bye-bye.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>[Off Camera Voice]: Who is that Dato?\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Lingam: Chief Justice Malaya.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>[Off Camera Voice]: Who is that?\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Lingam: Dato Ahmad Fairuz\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>[Off camera voice]: Oh Ahmad Fairuz.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Lingam: I put him up there. Don't tell this, please. I cannot tell this to Manjit. And he is acting President Court of Appeals Number 2 post. He is next Chief Justice. He always says "I leave it to you."\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>[Off Camera Voice]: I thought you were very close to Tun Eusoff Chin, Datuk?\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Lingam: He is Eusoff Chin's man, Eusoff Chin retired. But Dzaiddin hates Eusoff Chin, you understand? Ah..\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>[Off Camera Voice]: Because you know I…I…I..as far as I know you are very…\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Lingam: Eusoff Chin and I are extremely close. Because you know…Yeah. Eusoff Chin in power, I can straight and get in Pom! Pom! Pom! Pom! But now Dzaiddin is there. So Dzaiddin is attacking our cases. That means what? James Kumar is aligned to Dzaiddin. But Dzaiddin is retiring in 15th of September. He is finished.\n",1]
[Off Camera Voice]: Who is that Dato?
Lingam: Chief Justice Malaya.
[Off Camera Voice]: Who is that?
Lingam: Dato Ahmad Fairuz
[Off camera voice]: Oh Ahmad Fairuz.
Lingam: I put him up there. Don't tell this, please. I cannot tell this to Manjit. And he is acting President Court of Appeals Number 2 post. He is next Chief Justice. He always says "I leave it to you."
[Off Camera Voice]: I thought you were very close to Tun Eusoff Chin, Datuk?
Lingam: He is Eusoff Chin's man, Eusoff Chin retired. But Dzaiddin hates Eusoff Chin, you understand? Ah..
[Off Camera Voice]: Because you know I…I…I..as far as I know you are very…
Lingam: Eusoff Chin and I are extremely close. Because you know…Yeah. Eusoff Chin in power, I can straight and get in Pom! Pom! Pom! Pom! But now Dzaiddin is there. So Dzaiddin is attacking our cases. That means what? James Kumar is aligned to Dzaiddin. But Dzaiddin is retiring in 15th of September. He is finished.
\n\u003cdiv\>[Off camera voice]: [Off camera voice]: Next year?
Lingam: So Dzaiddin really wants to go…Don't worry. Dzaiddin recommended Malik Ahmad to be Chief Judge of Malaya. But we went and "cut" "cut" cut" cut" I and Tengku Adnan and Vincent told PM. I stop him for now, because he is anti-PM. We put Fairuz in. And we put…I told you three months ago he became CJM [Chief Justice Malaya]. He said "Don't believe." Then he got it. He rang up to thank me. And all that. He now acting PCA because Wan Adnan is sick. Right? This. Apart from law knowledge you need kow tow. Please understand that. You need to know the emperor. Knowing the law doesn't give you
the winning formula, you must also kow tow to the emperor. Correct or not? So now I am working very hard. So he agreed to meet Vincent Tan and PM and…what you call Tengku Adnan.
[Off camera voice]: Do you think Vincent has an interest over PM?
Lingam: You don't know about the history. Businesswise may not be successful. Robert Kuok is very brilliant. Lim Goh Tong is very rich. Vincent Tan, you know what PM say? He went to Averton he went to Langkawi. He said bincang. I want you to build a hotel here. His wife pulled him away. [Inaudible] He said Dato Seri I will think about it. The wife pulled him away. There is another [inaudible] cannot get a bank loan. Vincent there. Vincent, can you build a hotel? Ready for next Air show?
I want you do it in 6 months. `Datuk Seri, Don't worry, I will get it done.' He paid double the price to get all of them. A big loss lah. Then Solomon Island and Fiji and all, he said, Vincent go and invest there, he went and bought…[inaudible] the government factory [inaudible] you do this project a bit and cover up your loss. PM will do what he want to do to cover your backside.
[Off camera voice]: Vincent is very close to him.
Lingam: That's right. Don't ask… because Vincent has taken me to PM's residence… the house … [inaudible]… Anwar's case… the lawyers…Wee Cheong … [inaudible]. But I cannot go and talk to PM just like that and say promote this and that…
Because ah, he knows… I am a… but when PM calls me on Anwar's case, I can tell him… he'll listen…But if I go promote so and so, that means I got interest. So, I don't do that. I use Vincent and Tengku, go and do that. I don't f*** them up. They go
and do that. But I tell you this lah. Don't tell in front of people, of course. Life, one thing go confidential wrong is dangerous. Ah. Never, never say…You should… never. Even though to PM. You should never say. I don't know. I always say "I don't know." That's all.
[Off camera voice]: Everybody… I think many people know. Even the son case, everything I talk the father, …. Talk until he agreed.
Lingam: You know me [inaudible]. But I never talk about it. Even the son's case, I do everything. I talk to the father…Talk until he agreed. But if it is a big crisis that affects him, ….I can talk, he will listen. But if I want to favour somebody, that I cannot guarantee. Because my interest is not his interest. You know what I mean. Tomorrow invest your interest involving your father, I can come say this this this, you will listen. But tomorrow I appeal for me, you are not obliged to listen. Because you are a politician, PM. Politician is what is your interest, not what is my interest. But if I am giving advise on your interest, you will listen. On my interest, you will not. You must be careful about this.
[Off camera voice]: Datuk, I need to ask you this question.
Lingam: Ask me. Ask me.
[Off camera voice]: For a while now…
Lingam: Because we can talk behind these people.
[Off camera voice]… Actually, I think, you know, Daim has more equity interest in Berjaya than Vincent Tan, isn't that true?
Lingam: Let me tell you something … [inaudible] was bought by Daim … [inaudible]. Later on he did some deals where Daim supposed to help him. One or two he helped. Supposed to give him some money. Didn't give. Part was paid, part not paid. Later on Daim called up and he got paid.
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see this !
For a White Christmas , visit this White Elephant in Sekinchan !
12:30am:游览雪州政府花费超过三千万打造的白象之一MARINE PARK。
12:30am:游览雪州政府花费超过三千万打造的白象之一MARINE PARK。
Greatest Debate this Decade ( free DVD)
DAP will launch the "Greatest Debate this Decade "DVD " which have been banned by the MCA & Sin Chew Jit Poh.
Venue:Pandan Lake Club
Fees:RM25 with free DVD
地点:Pandan Lake Club
Interested Klang residents please feel free to contact
Mr Lim Lip Suan; H/P:016-3808493
谁住在巴生又对上述活动有兴趣的可以联络林立选先生; 电话:016-3808493
Also please watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3iSgp9dSOY
Venue:Pandan Lake Club
Fees:RM25 with free DVD
地点:Pandan Lake Club
Interested Klang residents please feel free to contact
Mr Lim Lip Suan; H/P:016-3808493
谁住在巴生又对上述活动有兴趣的可以联络林立选先生; 电话:016-3808493
Also please watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3iSgp9dSOY
请登入选举委员会的网站进入查询登记选民http://daftarj.spr.gov.my/daftar.asp有人发现了4位不应该出现在选民册的选民,不是年过一百,就是小过21岁。 第一: 160507015010第二: 171028715187第三: 981231081137第四: 99121474010198年和99年出生的人都还没够21岁,怎样投票?1998年生... 才10歲呢.... 而且已經是HJ HAJI 了....
请登入选举委员会的网站进入查询登记选民http://daftarj.spr.gov.my/daftar.asp有人发现了4位不应该出现在选民册的选民,不是年过一百,就是小过21岁。 第一: 160507015010第二: 171028715187第三: 981231081137第四: 99121474010198年和99年出生的人都还没够21岁,怎样投票?1998年生... 才10歲呢.... 而且已經是HJ HAJI 了....
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