But the seat negotiations are nowhere near settlement. While the 14-party ruling coalition is putting its election machinery together, the three-party opposition is still bickering over the spoils of war. And the war has not even started yet. In fact, the opposition is far from winning the war. But they are already quarrelling over a mere dream that may remain a dream long after we are all dead and buried in our graves.
What the fuck is wrong with the opposition ?
Do we need to boycott the opposition and vote for the ruling party to teach the opposition a lesson? The issue of candidates is another important factor.

The opposition accuses the ruling party of propagating cronyism.
But the opposition practices cronyism as well. The opposition leaders play favourites and will give their cronies the best seats. The non-cronies will be given the not so favourable seats. We will see winnable seats lost to Barisan Nasional merely because they placed the wrong candidate in that seat.
Candidates should be allotted seats not because they areclose to the party leadership but because they are able to win those seats. If not we will never see the opposition winning 60 Parliament and 200 State seats as what we hope will happen this time around.This is the opposition's last chance.
For 50 years we have seen thes ame party ruling this country. This has to change. This, in fact, can change. But if they miss the boat this time around, the opposition will not be able to try again in the next election in 2012 or 2013.
They either make it this time around or else we will see what Ali Rustam said is going to happen -- we shall see Barisan Nasional in power for another 50 years !
No, I don't believe I am smarter than the opposition leaders. No, I don't believe the opposition leaders are that stupid. I believe the opposition leaders are smart enough to know what needs to be done. It is just that many within the ranks of the opposition leaders areTrojan Horses planted in the opposition by Barisan Nasional to ensure that the opposition remains divided and continues squabbling over petty issues so that a very weak Barisan Nasional can remain in power in spite of it being so weak.
I just hope that these Trojan Horses do not include people like Lim Kit Siang, Anwar Ibrahim, Husam Musa and those many others who are the main decision-makers and who will determine whether the opposition continues as a weak opposition while an even weaker Barisan Nasional stays on as the Government !
1 comment:
I came to your blog after reading about your "frustration" on Malaysiakini of not being able to contest for your party in the election.
Firstly, may I suggest that using "f**k" work is rude and should be avoided in your writing.
Secondly, if you are truly fighting like a soldier, then you take and follow command. That's the very essence of effective battle skill. Since you are fighting through DAP, present yourself as a good DAP fighter. No matter how good you think you are, no point bickering and forget the war. Perhaps try to think "is there any other better way to fight a more effective battle"?
There are many much better qualified, educated Malaysians who are not bothered to stand up to fight. The fact that you want to come forward and contest the election is quite something - admirable one. Try to turn that into a contribution to a better Malaysia. And that does not necessarily only by way of being an elected representative.
Keep it up and move forward.
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