迎 新送旧,理所当然! 哥打阿南沙主席林立选 今年的农历新年是鼠年,就让我在这向大家讲个有关老鼠的故事:几年前在市面上有一本畅销书叫《谁搬走了我的乳酪》;内容好像是特别写给大马华裔看的……故事是描述两只老鼠和两个小矮人面临乳酪完了的危机;老鼠总是用简单却没有效率的错误尝试法来找寻乳酪。另外两个小矮人,"犹疑"和"哈哈"则对找寻乳酪有不同的态度;"犹疑"是个懒得变动、害怕改变的人;"哈哈"却是太顾"恩情"而几乎害了自己的人。当"哈哈"成功的面对"乳酪完了"的现实,(这让我想起副首相纳吉在去年的巫统大会里警告说我们将在未来的四、五年之内从石油净出口国变成净人口国)而勇敢的去找寻新的乳酪时,他在墙上写下了许多发人深思的话,如:1.如果你不改变自己,你就会被淘汰!2.虽然比较晚开始,但总比没有开始要好得多了!3.要常常嗅一嗅乳酪的气味,如此你才会知道它何时开始变质!(要常常关心政 治,这样你才会知道……)4.选择往新的方向移动能帮助你找到新的乳酪!5.当你摆脱了恐惧,你就会感到无比的舒服!6.你愈早放弃旧的乳酪,你就会愈快找到新的乳酪!7.进入迷宫里寻找新的乳酪总比继续停留在旧的地方而已经有迹象说明将快没有乳酪的地方安全得多了!8.食古不化的想法,不会帮助你找到新的乳酪。 从这本书的故事,我联想到一个国家沿用了五十年的政策对那个国家的经济已经造成了许许多多的限制已是个不争的事实。以往的世界经济还可包容这类没有竞争力的种族经济,但是"全球化"(Globalization)已经把我们的乳酪从种族之间竞争转变到向全世界竞争,还句话说,如果我们不敢勇于改变,我们将会被世界所淘汰!试看看下面这一段:50年前,我国宣布独立时,自称是君主立宪国;50年后,我国副首相告诉我们说我国是回教国,首相则澄清是议会民主国……50年前,我国改编印尼情歌为Negaraku;50年后,我国有位年轻人把Negaraku改编为Negarakuku,从源头来看,其实并不过分……但这可怜的年轻人却被国阵政府动用整个政府能动用的打压手段来打压他……50年前,华、巫、印三大民族是建国的主要三兄弟,50年后,巫统告诉其他民族不可挑战他们主要民族(Ketuanan Melayu)的地位……50年前,查卡利亚是个在贫穷家庭生活的小孩子;50年后,因为政治背景的缘故,查卡利亚已是为了子孙满堂的理由而要建非法千万豪宅的Datuk!他在面对"市议会一门三杰"、"自己批地给自己"、"被控39项罪状"等一连串的事件后,依然无事,这要不说明查卡利亚本身是无罪的,要不就是说明我们的国阵政府是无能的! 所谓政府,是我们每五年选出来为我们做事的;它凡做一件事,我要用监督的眼光衡量它的效率与成果,做的好,是应该的,做得不好,就得换人。如果以上述50年的"业绩"来看,我左看右看上看下看都看不出国阵政府是及格的政府;更何况它把所有的政府建筑物弄得不漏水就不叫政府建筑物,这种丢人现眼的政府如果还不换的话,国家肯定没有前途!!!所以在这鼠年,我最大的愿望及要求就是所有大马华社的一份子都勇于改变,为了我们自己及我们的下一代,因为只有这样,我们才能面对全球化的挑战。就让我们在这个国家已经独立了50年后的今天勇敢的作出改变,抗衡霸权的国阵政府,争取更有保障的未来;使所谓的2020宏愿能真正的落实! 同时,我们也呼吁选民不要被国阵政府最近的大派糖果而冲昏头脑;糖果的背后还有许多的计时炸弹如外劳政策、治安问题、通货膨胀问题、过路费问题、油价问题等等等没有解决!再次祝愿大家;新年快乐,万事如意!
A New Year , a New Beginning, naturally
This lunar new year is the year of the Rat which gives me the opportunity to tell a story related to the rat.
A few years ago there is this best selling book by the title “Who moved my cheese?” by Dr Spencer Johnson which has some relevance to the Malaysia Chinese community. It features two mice and two miniature humans , "Hem" and "Haw". The two mice always use the crudest and inefficient ways to find cheese. Whereas Hem and Haw have a different way to go about it. Hem has big inertia to change and not willing to adapt while Haw has too much compassion that invariably exposes his loved ones to great danger.
As Haw has accepted the fact that the cheese has run out he set out to find a new source, (which reminds me of our DPM Najib ‘s warning during the UMNO general assembly a few years ago that Malaysia will become a net importer of crude oil in 4 to 5 years time) he writes on the wall of the cheese station the following thought provoking statement:
1. Change
If you do not change, you will become extinct
2. Its never too late to change
3. Monitor Change
Smell the Cheese often so you know when it is getting old
( that is , be more aware and concerned with politics, only then will you know the change)
4. Change Happens
New directions , new sources
5. Get rid of the fear to change
6. Adapt quickly to change
The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese
7. Enjoy Change!
Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese!
8. Anticipate Change
Get Ready For The Cheese To Move
The story makes me think of the undisputed fact of the under-achievements , wastage , damage and restrictions caused by the 50 years economic policy which Malaysia has suffered under the Barisan National regime.
The old uncompetitive & growth-delibidating race based economic policies may have worked to a certain extent in the past, but no longer in the present real world. Globalisation has made our ‘cheese’ change and exposes us to the harsh competitive world stage. Simply put, if we do not change, we will become ‘ extinct ‘.
Since 50 years ago, we have been a constitutional monarchy. now 50 years later, we were told by our DPM that we are an Islamic country, then again our PM clarified otherwise.
50 years ago, we adopted the Indonesian love song and modified it to become our national anthem ‘Negaraku’. 50 years later, a young man modified it again to become ‘Negarakuku’.
Looking at it objectively , it is not offensive in fact. Then again, the poor young helpless man was crushed by the disproportionate salvo unleashed by the merciless BN government machinery .
50 years ago, the three major races were united as the founding pillars of this country. 50 years later, UMNO has warned others not to raise the issue nor challenge the Malay dominant status (Ketuanan Melayu)
50 years ago, Zakaria Md Deros was only an ordinary small boy from a poor family. 50 years later, owing to his extraordinary political influence and so-called " family needs " , he built an illegal multi million ringgit mansion which has been dubbed " Zakaria's Palace" ! Still standing tall & basking in unabashed glory even after a string of negative issues such as the ‘3 town councilors from 1 family’, ‘self approval of land application’, ‘multiple charges of 39 law offences’ scandals , this can only prove either that the shameless man is not guilty or the BN government is simply hopeless!
The elected government , as the name suggests, is what we choose every 5 years to serve us, the people. We have to monitor closely its effectiveness and results. If the results are good , we deserve it. If bad , we can change it. If we judge the results based on the past 50 years performance, it goes without saying that the BN government is a total failure. If there is no change, there is little future for this country.
Therefore for the year of the Rat, I can only wish that all Malaysian have the courage to change, for our generation and the coming one. Only then, we are able to take on the challenge of world globalization.
Let us make the brave move and stand up against the unreasonable BN regime, fight for a better future, and make the Vision 2020 come true!
I would like to take the opportunity to call on voters not to be pampered and tricked by the election gimmicks and tricks currently served by the BN. Hidden behind all these promised sweets are unsolved hardcore issues like foreign workers policy, rising social crime statistics , inflation issues, toll hikes, imminent fuel price hikes, and other time bombs waiting to blow up.
Happy New Year!
Lim Lip Suan
DAP Kota Alam Shah Chairman
A New Year , a New Beginning, naturally
This lunar new year is the year of the Rat which gives me the opportunity to tell a story related to the rat.

A few years ago there is this best selling book by the title “Who moved my cheese?” by Dr Spencer Johnson which has some relevance to the Malaysia Chinese community. It features two mice and two miniature humans , "Hem" and "Haw". The two mice always use the crudest and inefficient ways to find cheese. Whereas Hem and Haw have a different way to go about it. Hem has big inertia to change and not willing to adapt while Haw has too much compassion that invariably exposes his loved ones to great danger.
As Haw has accepted the fact that the cheese has run out he set out to find a new source, (which reminds me of our DPM Najib ‘s warning during the UMNO general assembly a few years ago that Malaysia will become a net importer of crude oil in 4 to 5 years time) he writes on the wall of the cheese station the following thought provoking statement:

1. Change
If you do not change, you will become extinct
2. Its never too late to change
3. Monitor Change
Smell the Cheese often so you know when it is getting old
( that is , be more aware and concerned with politics, only then will you know the change)
4. Change Happens
New directions , new sources
5. Get rid of the fear to change
6. Adapt quickly to change
The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese
7. Enjoy Change!
Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese!
8. Anticipate Change
Get Ready For The Cheese To Move
The story makes me think of the undisputed fact of the under-achievements , wastage , damage and restrictions caused by the 50 years economic policy which Malaysia has suffered under the Barisan National regime.
The old uncompetitive & growth-delibidating race based economic policies may have worked to a certain extent in the past, but no longer in the present real world. Globalisation has made our ‘cheese’ change and exposes us to the harsh competitive world stage. Simply put, if we do not change, we will become ‘ extinct ‘.
Since 50 years ago, we have been a constitutional monarchy. now 50 years later, we were told by our DPM that we are an Islamic country, then again our PM clarified otherwise.
50 years ago, we adopted the Indonesian love song and modified it to become our national anthem ‘Negaraku’. 50 years later, a young man modified it again to become ‘Negarakuku’.
Looking at it objectively , it is not offensive in fact. Then again, the poor young helpless man was crushed by the disproportionate salvo unleashed by the merciless BN government machinery .
50 years ago, the three major races were united as the founding pillars of this country. 50 years later, UMNO has warned others not to raise the issue nor challenge the Malay dominant status (Ketuanan Melayu)
50 years ago, Zakaria Md Deros was only an ordinary small boy from a poor family. 50 years later, owing to his extraordinary political influence and so-called " family needs " , he built an illegal multi million ringgit mansion which has been dubbed " Zakaria's Palace" ! Still standing tall & basking in unabashed glory even after a string of negative issues such as the ‘3 town councilors from 1 family’, ‘self approval of land application’, ‘multiple charges of 39 law offences’ scandals , this can only prove either that the shameless man is not guilty or the BN government is simply hopeless!
The elected government , as the name suggests, is what we choose every 5 years to serve us, the people. We have to monitor closely its effectiveness and results. If the results are good , we deserve it. If bad , we can change it. If we judge the results based on the past 50 years performance, it goes without saying that the BN government is a total failure. If there is no change, there is little future for this country.
Therefore for the year of the Rat, I can only wish that all Malaysian have the courage to change, for our generation and the coming one. Only then, we are able to take on the challenge of world globalization.
Let us make the brave move and stand up against the unreasonable BN regime, fight for a better future, and make the Vision 2020 come true!
I would like to take the opportunity to call on voters not to be pampered and tricked by the election gimmicks and tricks currently served by the BN. Hidden behind all these promised sweets are unsolved hardcore issues like foreign workers policy, rising social crime statistics , inflation issues, toll hikes, imminent fuel price hikes, and other time bombs waiting to blow up.
Happy New Year!
Lim Lip Suan
DAP Kota Alam Shah Chairman
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